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      • "Nothing is more fit to live anywhere than us." Inside a rock is somewhere. Also, as a race? I think maybe you meant species. And even then, it isn't survival of the fittest species, it's survival of the fittest individual, or organism. Do you think you or any other human could individually survive better than an individual tiger in the jungle? The same goes for sharks in the ocean or cryptoendoliths in rocks, along with countless other examples. I apologize, I think my cliff analogy was incorrect, and you're probably right about it being instinctual. Let me try again. A dog will sit when told to "sit" if it is given a treat each time it does so. It uses reason to deduce that sitting when told to (cause) will get it a treat (effect). All of this is pretty irrelevant to the original blog though, and whether it can reason or not, surely a dog will suffer when cooked in a car.
      • Jul, 11 2008 03:17am
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      • Nothing is more fit to live anywhere than us? Tigers in the jungle? No? Sharks in the ocean? No? Cryptoendoliths inside rocks? No? You think humans are more fit to live inside rocks? Also, I didn't mean to type "will it", I meant to type "it will," which I did. The dog is reasoning that if it perceives a long drop in front of it, it should stop. I never said anything was defined by eight words, but I do believe something can be summed up in eight words. One last thing; I do believe you meant to type "then".
      • Jul, 11 2008 01:40am
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      • First off, humans are animals. Next, you don't think a dog can reason? If a dog goes to the edge of a cliff it will keep walking? It can't perceive that it will get hurt if it continues to keep walking? Also, if being sentient was being able to reason, wouldn't that be in the definition? Your argument is pretty weak. As for "survival of the fittest," other animals are more fit than us to survive in certain regions.
      • Jul, 10 2008 09:41pm
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      • Being able to reason isn't in the definition of sentient. Perception is: "the act or faculty of apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding." All dogs, police dogs especially, can apprehend situations presented to them by their senses.
      • Jul, 10 2008 07:14pm
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      • Sentient %u2013adjective 1. having the power of perception by the senses; conscious. 2. characterized by sensation and consciousness. I don't understand how you think a dog isn't a sentient creature.
      • Jul, 10 2008 06:14pm
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      • I don't agree with humans being superior to animals. Though I will agree that having the officer who accidentally left his dog to cook in his car for twelve hours put to death is over the top, though how do you forget about something like that for an entire half a day? I think if something like that happened to a child then people would want the parents to get the death penalty. I can understand that; it's instinctual to want to protect your young, but that doesn't make it more of a crime than killing the dog.
      • Jul, 10 2008 03:52pm
    • He can whine all he wants...
    • He can whine all he wants...

      • 11:44, 12:02, 12:26, 12:57, 1:05, 1:13, 1:24, 1:25, 1:51, 2:41, 2:42, 3:21, 3:39, 3:40, 3:52, 4:14, 4:15. Those are all the times you've posted on here. The biggest gap between any two consecutive times is 1:51 to 2:41. That's fifty minutes. Many you could get more done and not be so stressed out if you just stopped visiting this site. At the very least you could try to frequent it less often.
      • Jul, 9 2008 08:43pm
    • Nothing Special
    • Nothing Special

      • Amazingly, I agree with you on almost everything written here. I only disagree about the man paying for everything on the first date. If the sexes are supposed to be treated equally, why make the man always pay first? Other than that, nice post.
      • Jul, 7 2008 11:41pm


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